COVID-9 Call Center available 24/7 1-866-779-6121 or
In an effort to keep judges and their families throughout the state informed regarding the COVOD-19 pandemic and available resources, please make use of the following directives and information:
*Because we work in public places or have close contact with the public, WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN. Use soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
*Cover your cough with your elbow or arm, not your hands – wear a cloth mask.
*Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth wit unwashed hands.
*Avoid touching foods or eating with unwashed hands.
*Avoid close contact with people who are sick or have symptoms and avoid crowds as much as possible. Practice social distancing. Avoid travel and large gatherings as much as possible.
SYMPTOMS: Patients with COVID-19 have experienced mild to severe respiratory illness.
Unfortunately, it can be complicated and fatal in some people. Look for these NEW symptoms and compare them to how you feel normally:
• fever
• dry cough
• shortness of breath
• headache
• sore throat
• fatigue
It can take up to 5 days to see symptoms after being infected. However, it may take up to 14 days or more in some cases.
• Call your doctors right away if you believe you have symptoms of COVID-19. You may be directed to a COVID-19 testing center.
- Florida Department of Health: 850-245-4444
FL Department of Health COVID-19 website link:

Stronger than C-19 Community Action Survey link:
Residents can take this survey that will help to inform and improve the state’s COVID-19 response.
- World Health Organization:
- Center for Disease Control:
- U.S. Health & Human Services:
- National Institutes of Health:
- Florida Supreme Court (regarding court operations):